Who are we?

A French Canadian traveling family

After ten years of dreaming about it, we cast off our shore lines between 2014 and 2017 for a trip that took us from Florida to Greece, round trip. The downtime the pandemic has given us has allowed our children, now aged 10 and 13, to review their memories. Nostalgia for the most beautiful moments of this trip kicked in and they begged us to leave. This is how Jayana leaves for a new journey that will take our adventurers to the heart of the Mediterranean and then to the Bahamas.

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1 years ago

Voilier Jayana
Est-ce que vous vous demandez comment font les «voileux» pour fêter Noël sans centre d'achat, Amazon et êtres chers à visiter? Après sa traversée de l'Atlantique en décembre 2022, l'équipage de Jayana s'est fait plusieurs amis parmi les 175+ bateaux de l'Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC). Plusieurs familles décident de se rassembler à l'île de Bequia (St. Vincent et Grenadines) pour fêter Noël. Grâce à l'initiative de plusieurs bateaux, plusieurs activités sont improvisés sur le moment: échange de cadeaux, excursions en groupe, olympiades et repas de Noël sur la plage. Pour les Olympiades, les équipages sont regroupés en quatre grandes équipes: Angleterre, Amérique du Nord, Suède, Allemagne et la compétition sera féroce pour remporter les honneurs!Joyeuses Fêtes à vous tous! ... See MoreSee Less
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Where are we?

In the Caribbean

AIS Location

Through the onboard AIS transmitter and a VHF antenna array picking up the signal from ships near the coast, it is possible to spot virtually every cargo ship on the planet. Jayana is also equipped with such a transmitter and you can follow its progress on the MarineTraffic site.


Two satellite tracking beacons are hidden on board, allowing real-time tracking of the vessel’s movement. The advantages are numerous, including that of providing peace of mind to our loved ones knowing that in case of danger, help will always be where we can be found.

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